THE ADVANTAGES OF Autocomplete-Optimization


With Autocomplete-Optimization marketing, you can implement a strategic move to bypass your competition.  Search Box Optimization.  This is one time when thinking "inside-the-box" can give you the advantage you need.


Autocomplete-Optimization gets results

Up to now, in order to truly compete, you would have to SEO yourself to the top of page 1 and pay for every click from your customers in a pay-per-click campaign. Now you can bypass the competition, eliminate pay-per-click and own the entire organic search results.

We call it search box optimization

Through our Autocomplete-Optimization program, we harness the power of search box optimization to position your company name where everyone's attention is focused - the search box. As users begin typing their searches, your company will prominently appear in the auto-suggestions box of search engines. This visible placement creates the impression of strong recommendations or authority, making potential customers more inclined to choose your company. When Google and Bing suggest your business, it naturally encourages customers to opt for your services based on what they see.

Thinking "inside the box" with Search Box Optimization

With our Autocomplete-Optimization program, we employ search box optimization to position your dental office name in the prime spot where everyone's attention is focused - the search box. This is the very place where people enter their search queries. By optimizing this, your dental office will prominently appear in the auto-suggestions, creating the impression of strong recommendations or authority. Consequently, potential customers will be naturally inclined to choose your dental office. Considering that Google and Bing suggest your business based on what customers see, why not capitalize on this opportunity and let your customers know they should select your dental office?

Take the whole page

You built a great business.  Let us get you in front of the customers. 

You worked hard to build your business.

Now new companies with less experience in your industry are beating you out because they have more experience online.  Being more tech savvy doesn't mean they can serve the customer better.

We know of companies who have been around for 40 years and are losing ground to newer companies who dominate online.  Now you can take back your rightful place.

Autocomplete-Optimization will allow you to be in front of every customer searching for you.  Your company name will be in front of the eyes of each person looking for your product or service.  Move your company back into first place, with Autocomplete-Optimization.


Where the search engines suggest where the user should go.

America shops on the first page.

It's widely known that hardly anyone ventures beyond the first page of search results. Typically, consumers glance at the initial page, and if they don't find what they desire, they modify their search term and try again.

With our service, your dental practice can appear in the suggestion box offered by Google and Bing. When customers search for a dentist or specific dental services, your practice will be recommended by the search engine.

This presence in the suggestion box instills confidence in consumers, encouraging them to choose your dental practice for their needs.

If you are not sure on the keyword to use, we will help

In most cases, you may already be aware of which keyword phrases attract customers to your dental practice. However, there are times when identifying the most effective ones can be challenging. That's where we come in to assist. Our team of experts will collaborate with you to discover the optimal keywords that will drive success for your dental practice.

Our goal is to build a long-lasting relationship.  That starts with making sure you are using keyword phrases that will drive in new customers.

When you submit your order for Autocomplete-Optimization, our team will review the keyword phrases you submitted and will follow-up with you if we find any keyword phrases we feel you should consider.  We will perform keyword research based on the following: 

  • Monthly search volume
  • Keyword competitiveness
  • Pay-per-click bid costs
  • Searches related to buyers vs. researchers
  • Urgent need phrases